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McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act

According the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.§11435 et seq), homeliness is defined as a child or youth who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.  This means that children or youth could be living in home situations such as shared housing with other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardships of parents/guardians, or similar reasons; living in an emergency or transitional shelter (domestic violence, emergency, or transitional housing unit); living in a car, park, abandoned building, public building, substandard housing (lack of running water, heat, electricity), bus or train station, or a similar setting; student seeking enrollment without an accompanying parent but not in foster care; migrant student and/or living in conditions described in previous examples; or the student has run away from home, abandoned, or kicked out. 

If you are the legal parent, guardian, foster parent, or caretaker of a PreK – 12th grade student enrolled in Butler County School System that is experiencing homelessness, click the link below.  Students that are experiencing homelessness are also strongly encouraged to complete the questionnaire by clicking the link below.  Help is just a click away!


BCSS Homeless Assistance Questionnaire