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Alabama Literacy Act Parent Resources

In 2019, the Alabama legislature passed the Alabama Literacy Act. The Alabama Literacy Act was established to improve the reading proficiency of public school kindergarten through 3rd grade students and ensure that those students are able to read at or above grade level by the end of the 3rd grade. The law states that all 3rd grade students shall demonstrate sufficient reading skills for promotion to 4th grade, beginning with the 2023-2024 school year.

In accordance with the law, all kindergarten through 3rd grade students are given an Alabama State Department of Education approved reading assessment. Based on the results of the assessment, each kindergarten through 3rd grade student who exhibits a reading deficiency shall be provided an appropriate reading intervention to address his/her specific needs.

First page of the PDF file: AlabamaLiteracyACT_FAQ_August2023


The My Child Can series was developed by the Alabama State Department of Education as a guide to help Alabama families understand the critical reading knowledge expected to be mastered at the end of each grade level. Families are essential in supporting and encouraging their child’s academic achievement, growth, and success! 

My Child Can!-Kindergarten Booklet

My Child Can!-First Grade Booklet

My Child Can!-Second Grade Booklet

My Child Can!-Third Grade Booklet