Policy for Public Participation at Board Meetings
Butler County School System Public Participation at Board Meetings
The following procedures and rules apply for public participation at Board meetings:
(1) In order to permit orderly scheduling of public remarks and the inclusion of such in the agenda, anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, should inform the Superintendent in writing of the desire to do so and of the topic to be discussed as early as possible, but in no event less than three days prior to the meeting.
(2) Any individual desiring to speak shall stand and give his or her name, and the group name, if any, that he or she represents.
(3) The presentation should be as brief as possible, and in no event shall such address exceed five minutes.
(4) Speakers may make statements about their particular concern with school operations and programs. In public session, however, the Board will not hear personal complaints against particular school personnel or against any person connected with the school system. Other means are provided herein whereby the Board may consider and dispose of legitimate complaints involving individuals and employees within the school system.
(5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the President, at his/her discretion, may allow public comments from the floor.
The Board President may terminate the remarks of any individual when such remarks do not adhere to the above procedures or for other good reason.